DCA's Computed Tomography (CT) and Video-Otoscopy Service
Utilizing state-of-the-art technology for better visualization and understanding of your pet's ear disease
Computed tomography (CT), also referred to as a CT scan or CAT scan, uses rotating x-rays around a patient to create several images of a body region, and provides thin, cross-sectional “slices” for viewing. DCA has a state-of-the-art 8 Slice CT scanner that allows for evaluation of the skull for middle ear diseases and/or tumors of the ear canal. This form of advanced imaging provides much more detailed information about a patient than conventional x-rays and can be completed, in virtually all patients, with heavy sedation rather than general anesthesia.
Video-otoscopy is the use of an illuminated otoscope attached to a video camera that transmits magnified and enhanced video to an HD monitor which can be recorded onto a computer. Each exam room is equipped with video-otoscopy. This allows for visualization of both normal and abnormal structures of the ear canal and can be reviewed to explain disease processes.
CT with video-otoscopy is available at DCA for specialized procedures, such as deep ear cleanings for treatment of severe ear (pseudomonas bacterial) infections, inflammatory polyps, identification and removal of tumors in the ear canal, as well as myringotomies and middle ear flushes for treatment of middle ear infections or primary secretory otitis media (PSOM) of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.